miércoles, mayo 1, 2024
InicioComercio Exterior y AduanasTrade, WTO and customs

Trade, WTO and customs

Stand for your interests in anti-dumping or anti-subsidy actions. Gain seamless trade and foreign investment protection advice as you explore and pursue your interests. Tap into our considerable knowledge of tariff classification, origin and valuation issues. Rely on us in the most complex trade negotiations and disputes. Together, we’ll drive your objectives forward through insight and ingenuity.

When you leverage our direct contacts with governments around the world, you’ll better understand legal issues concerning trade agreements and underlying economic policies. From customs authorities to policy makers, we know all the players involved in the global arena.

Know your rights and obligations. Defend and expand. Strategise on how to obtain subsidies without incurring risks of WTO action. With Dentons, you secure a collaborative partner to tackle all trade disputes, bilateral agreements, trade remedies, and customs procedures.



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